student Application form

nationalamerican diploma

student personal data


previous academic data



parents data


father data

mother data

guardian data(if other than parents)

emergency contact

in case of emergency and if the school is unable to contact the parents


brother(s)/sister(s) of the student

bus transportation


one wayround trip


I hereby apply for the admission of the before mentioned student to British language school, and i declare that all the information given is correct, true, accurate & complete.

I Agree:

  • that my child and i will abide by and support all school rules, code of conduct and regulations.
  • to pay all the school fees promptly as requested.
  • to ensure that my child wears the official school uniform
  • to accept all decisions of the school directors.

admission procedures:

  • the completed admission form along with the original computer birth certificate, 8 photos of the student, copies of parents'IDs and the registration fee must be submitted to the school office.
  • after the admission form has been processed, a data is given for applicant's interview with his parent
  • then,parents are informed of the outcome within one week of the interview date.if a place is offered,the child's enrolment must be confirmed and all dues paid with one week.
  • If, within one week enrolment is not confirmed, the child's place is offered to another candidate